Admissions Process

Pathology is the study of disease. It is the bridge between science and medicine. It underpins every aspect of patient care, from diagnostic testing and treatment advice to using cutting-edge genetic technologies and preventing disease.

Entering a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center can be challenging for both the patients and their families. At Living Longer Recovery, we completely understand this. This is why we make the admissions process for substance use disorder treatment as easy as possible and motivate families to play a crucial role in the recovery of their loved ones. Our treatment methods are rooted in a science-based, research-supported clinical model to ensure a healthier, more satisfying life without addiction.

A Look at Living Longer Recovery's Admissions Process

Before treatment starts, we work to ensure we understand our patients well. The first step is a clinical interview, in which we ask our patients about their backgrounds, their families, and any symptoms related to the problems they are currently facing. Even though much of this information is in the patient’s medical records, we can tailor a unique treatment plan with their direct input.

Additionally, we conduct several assessments of our patients’ intellectual strengths and weaknesses and their personalities. While we do this during the admissions process for addicted patients, we also observe their habits and behaviors. For treatment to be effective, we must understand what practices and actions need to change, and this helps us create a treatment plan.

Finally, most patients will get a complete medical checkup from a physician.

The Role of Family and Loved Ones in the Admissions Process

At Living Longer Recovery, we encourage each patient’s family members to actively participate in their loved one’s recovery because families tend to act as a safety net and make a significant difference in their lives. Some of the ways in which families help during the admissions process include:

As we truly understand the importance of family in treatment, we want to make it as easy as possible for loved ones to get involved with the recovery process. All you need to do is give consent. Here are some of the ways we can include you:

Our experts are a crucial source of communication between patients and families, and often, they tend to be representatives to the families of the patients.

How to Verify Health Insurance Coverage

This is what is needed to verify health insurance coverage during the admissions process:

Our Core Values

Today the hospital is recognised as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, but improving the outcomes for all through a comprehensive medical research. For over 20 years, our hospital has touched lives of millions of people, and provide care and treatment for the sickest in our community including rehabilitation and aged care.

Medical Check Ups

Recognised as a world renowned institution, you can consult any of our doctors by visiting our clinic.

Medical Treatment

Free or low cost coverage adults with limited income recognised as a world renowned institution.

Emergency Help 24/7

Contact our reception staff with any medical enquiry any time for low cost coverage adults.

Research Professionals

All medical aspects practice for family, our reception staff with any medical enquiry any time.

Key Benifits

We help create a care plan that addresses your specific condition and we are here to answer all of your questions & acknowledge your concerns. Today the hospital is recognised as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, but improving the outcomes.

Our intake specialist will greet you and have you sign a financial contract. Within 48 hours of admission, the medical director at Living Longer Recovery will check on you to gather labs and determine if detoxification medication is needed. Your family members will also be allowed to check on you.
Living Longer Recovery is proud to work with patients and their loved ones to pursue insurance coverage for addiction treatment whenever possible. Verifying insurance benefits is a vital step in the process.

Health Tips & Info

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist, we can provide referrals or advice about the type of practitioner you require. We treat all enquiries sensitively and in the strictest confidence.

Investigations Price List

Umbilical Cord Appearance $50
Cardiac Electrophysiology $80
Repositioning Techniques $60
Geriatric Neurology $75
Nuclear Cardiology $45
Neurocritical Care $55

Treatments Price List

Colonoscopy $50
Allergy testing $80
Gastroscopy $60
Bronchoscopy $75
Cardiac Ablation $45
Holter monitoring $55

Meet Our Doctors

Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries. Doctors will be available from 8 am : 12 am , kindly call to confirm your Appointment.

24/7 Helpline

Contact our admissions counselors with any questions or to learn more about the admissions process.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm

    Book An Assessment

    Please contact for any general or admission enquiry.