When Is A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Appropriate?

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When Is A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Appropriate?

Ideally, PHP or partial hospitalization program is one of the most intensive addiction treatments that are likely to be available besides an inpatient or residential treatment facility. If necessary, the PHP drug treatments offer patients a comprehensive therapy like counseling and medical care. At times the Top Partial Hospitalization Program is also known as intensive outpatient programs.

The treatments are ideal for people that are diagnosed with:

  • Substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD)
  • Mental health disorder

Types of therapy employed at PHP:

The main focus of the Top Partial Hospitalization Program is on intensive addiction treatment therapies.

  • Individual therapy is mainly with an expert addiction counselor that tends to allow the patient to explore causes and triggers of drug abuse or alcoholism and works to curb the denial.
  • Group therapy includes a professional addiction treatment facilitator, and you are encouraged to enter into group discussions regarding experiences, feelings, aspirations, coping skills, and other things.
  • Family therapy includes the family process in the recovery process as it can be quite challenging to evaluate oneself- even when being completely honest.

Duration of the PHP treatment:

Partial hospitalization programs include a plethora of services, including individual therapy, group therapy, educational classes, and others. Under the PHPs treatment, you need to attend sessions from three to five days per week, and sessions are at least about six hours long. Additionally, yoga therapy for drug rehab is offered to help clients manage stress and promote physical and mental well-being.

Our PHP Programs Recovery period:

The recovery process tends to be for at least 90 days; it doesn’t mean you have to be in PHP for 90 days. The entire course of care includes several transitions, and it lasts at least three months. One will be encouraged to participate in their community and have a consistent income stream to live independently in recovery. Additionally, people need to take the possibility of relapse into their account, as it is pretty standard in recovery. They need to commit more time to treatment if relapse occurs or seems to occur.

Important goals of the PHP program:

  • At PHP Rehab Center California, there is undoubtedly a treatment at least five days per week while other days you can remain at home on the weekends; time at home allows you to practice meal planning and adaptive coping skills.
  • You can continuously focus on the normalization of nutrition and symptom blockade while you tend to be in programming and at home.
  • You can also continue to explore the function of the eating disorder in your life, and at the same time, you need to work to strengthen and develop other healthy aspects of yourselves separate from the illness.

The difference between Partial hospitalization and others:

Almost all parts of the program take place at the facility during inpatient and residential treatment programs. One can eat, sleep, and undergo all treatment at the residency when they are undergoing the program.  While at PHP Rehab Center California, almost all of the treatment services tend to take place at the facility, but one can return home to sleep.  The benefits vary depending on the program, as some programs provide food and transportation.

Structure of the PHP program:

  1. Evaluation – You need to undergo an interview, medical examination, and urine test as these exams will provide the foundation of the treatment plan.
  2. Detox – Your body must adjust to functioning without drugs or alcohol, and even though it is challenging as the withdrawal symptoms are the worst during this stage, medical care cannot be ignored, come what may.
  3. Psychological and Medical Treatment allows you to learn skills and techniques to prevent relapse, discover valuable resources, and lead a healthy life.
  4. Transition happens when you know the knowledge and tools to start practicing your new behaviors and coping skills, the intensity of treatments will be reduced, and the number of days, or hours in the day, spent at the facility to focus on transitioning to a sober life are likely to decline.
  5. Maintenance is an essential part of a partial hospitalization program besides support and care throughout your sober life.

Benefits of a PHP program:

The best part about PHP programs is the ability for individuals to spend their evenings and weekends in their comfort.

  • Constant access to medical and behavioral health specialists, including pharmacists, psychologists, and others.
  • More cost-effective as compared to inpatient care
  • PHP allows you to practice skills you learn in treatment and implement them in the real world.
  • Claim to offer a slow and safe transition from inpatient care to real life.
  • The centers have a plethora of specialists and experts that allows them to conduct highly effective education programs.

Hence, PHP claims to offer almost all essential elements of structure and therapy throughout the day, and it also aligns with the responsibility of returning home after each session. You are expected to practice newly developed coping skills and self-care while nurturing a commitment during your independent time away from programming.